Monday, 6 February 2012

And Now for Something Completely Different

I was twiddling my thumbs the other day waiting for something exciting to happen. Then it became apparent that over the past few weeks, since Christmas ended and the cold set in, I have seen an inordinate amount of films at the cinema. I figured this as good a place as any to write about what I thought of them. Call them film reviews, but I wouldn't go as far to call it a professional ambition or even a call for discussion. It's literally just something to do whilst I sit in the smallest apartment known to man in a city where I know no one, in between working in a restaurant which serves Asian food with communist ideals. I really should figure out what to do with my History degree some day...

I thought about starting a new blog but I figured this has always been here. I archived most of my previous sporadic self indulgent blogs and left a couple which I believe would still fit in with my new design. Well, I did a review of a short lived Channel 4 'homegrown drama' which was promptly cancelled after no one watched it apart from me. And I also left my Work Placement Report from my second year of university, because there was an immense sense of pride that I handed that 3,000 word joke in to my tutor and still got the highest mark on any assignment throughout my university career. Mainly because the tutor didn't read any of the reports he was tasked with marking and gave everyone the same grade; a very good grade. It's obvious he didn't look at it, I mocked just about every aspect of those miserable twelve fridays I wasted two years ago... Anyways.

From now on I intend to talk about movies I've seen. Feel free to peruse at will.

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