Sunday, 10 February 2013


Life of Pi remains to be the unsung hero of award season for me. Sure it has received some technical awards but everyone is too busy giving Argo a big pat on the back. Don't get me wrong it's an interesting film but for the content I just thought it was too film-like. That probably is the completely wrong thing to say considering the film industry are the ones doling out the awards but that's why Argo didn't capture my heart. Because it played out too much like a film, when it was supposed to be a true story.

Hey that's my opinion, I'm not asking to be disagreed with. I just think Life of Pi was a beautiful film that challenged my brain and made me look inside myself and ask a question that I deem important; because the quest for God is always significant to me. It's a personal thing. Plus the visuals were simply mind blowing. That is all.

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