Monday, 24 September 2012


These are just a selection of quotes I really, really like. I've been told most of them are morose. I don't care, there they are. Oh and because I miss university and the hassle of writing things with extensive footnotes (oh the days of footnotes...) I decided to footnote this entry. The links will show you where the quote is from, the footnote elaborates. 'The rest is silence.'*

'Reason tells me that you and I are unlikely to meet again, but I think I shall not listen to reason. I have seen the world inside your head and know that all things are possible.'1

'Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I've ever known.'2

'We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won't. We're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.'3

'Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises,
Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices
That, if I then had waked after long sleep,
Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming,
The clouds methought would open, and show riches
Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked
I cried to dream again.'4

'I'm going to drag you down with me
I'll take you walking by the sea
And when I find a place to rest
I'll hold your head upon my chest
and I'm, going to drag you down with me.'5

'Spend your pity elsewhere. If you are so set on running hadn't you best be off. Fool of a pirate.' 6

'I prefer being someone else, when I'm myself I always make a mess of things'7

'Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.
In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish.'8

'If I have pretended until now to know my characters’ minds and innermost thoughts, it is because I am writing in (just as I have assumed some of the vocabulary and ‘voice’ of) a convention universally accepted at the time of my story: that the novelist stands next to God. He may not know it all, yet he tries to pretend that he does.'9

'Whatever doesn't work out always make a good story after.' 10

'You don't tell me things, Joel. I'm an open book. I tell you everything, every damn, embarrassing thing.' 11

'I'm done with all this thinking.' 12

(1) - Doctor Who - Girl in the Fireplace, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour, favourite episode of the first four season of 'Nu Who'. I'm an Eccleston/Smith lover, Ten-hater. I won't lie, I get a lump in my throat every time I watch this episode.
(2) - Invisible Monsters - Chuck Palahniuk - his best book in my humblest of opinions, probably tied with Diary but that one is largely disregarded. A lot of quotes from IM resonate with me, this one in particular has been a quote oft said when inebriated and among people I'm trying to impress.
(3) - Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk - just one of those Brad Pitt quotes he simply delivered in the movie, amazing, always stuck in my head. That YouTube video makes me ache to watch Fight Club again... and again. Don't argue that there are a zillion better Fight Club quotes, I know, I like this one!
(4) -  The Tempest - Act 2, Scene 3, Caliban. My favourite speech from ye olde Shakespeare, filled me with wonder as a young one, twangling is possibly my favourite word ever. Shame Danny Boyle also liked it too and shoe-horned it into the Olympics Opening Ceremony... Fine Kenneth Brannagh quoting it was... Mind-meltingly good but still, I've been having a personal love affair with this quote for years...
(5) - False Alarm - Cherry Ghost, Cherry Ghost are a largely ignored band, I ignored them too, but this song was one of my most listened to for a while and the only song I kept from their album 'Thirst for Romance.' I wouldn't wish my terrible music taste on anyone though.
(6) -  Cidolfus Demen Bunansa - FFXII, his dying words to his son Balthier, proof that FFXIII was an incredible step down from the majesty of FFXII. No more needs to be said.
(7) - Haha, that's a quote from me! Thought I'd slip it in there. I always fuck things up when I'm myself, friendships, job interviews, university, conversations... As long I am playing a part, AKA that of a happy carefree person I can fool everyone into thinking I'm worth their time. It's when they see the vulnerable paranoid lonely idiot underneath people run and leave me lonelier than ever. I'm better off sitting in coffee shops reading alone and observing people, I learn more that way.
(8) - Mirror - Sylvia Plath - It's just a poem that resonates and yet it hurts, I have a strong belief poetry is best evoking a feeling, this one makes me feel so many, specifically the end, specifically despair.
(9) - The French Lieutenant's Woman (p97) - John Fowles - Not content with creating my favourite literary heroine, Fowles also decided to use this particular novel to meditate on the control of an author over his own particular universe and characters. He goes as far to implant himself in the story as a wizened bearded chap and observes his characters as he decides their fate. It's not the most succinct quote but it's an amazing bit of literature right there.
(10) - Ha gotcha, that's another one of mine. It's something I live by. If things don't work out they'll either worm their way into my memoirs (never to be written) or it'll make a funny story. Like all those times I tripped and fell flat on my face... Or said some awkward and everyone stared... So many good stories..
(11) - Clementine - Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind - Props to Charlie Kaufman for writing my favourite film ever. Screw romance, this is love. I'm always paranoid I let people in too fast, when I care I tell a person everything, intimacy is about sharing things. It's important to feel wanted, vital, needed, it's rare.
(12) - Going Fishing - The Phoenix Foundation - From the Eagle VS Shark OST. I love Taika Waititi! I'll forgive him for directing the US Inbetweeners in exchange for being from New Zealand and directing two brilliant films (Boy and Eagle VS Shark) and helping out with Flight of the Conchords. Ok so the song you ask? It fucking cheers me up, it's sure as hell no comforting sounds but that simple quote becomes my mantra when I'm losing the will to live. It's a cheerful song! It's lovely! What more does one need?

* For the eagle eyed or remotely interested, the little quote at the top is the final words of Hamlet. I just stuck it in there because it felt right, but I would be remiss if I didn't cite it. Love Hamlet.

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