Monday, 5 November 2012

Room 529

My Novel, what I have written. It's about a hotel room, or it's set in one, most of the action takes place there, from my personal experience working in a hotel. Plus it means a variety of characters can come in and out of it. I can have extremely long interactions or incredibly short ones. I can have it at any time in a relationship, in a life, I can jump away and jump back. I thought this would make it easier... So far it's like pulling teeth.
  • Chapter 1 - A couple are getting ready for their first anniversary, he's ready, she's taking forever. (*805*)
  • Chapter 2 - Someone has cleaned the room with great care, it's a boy who's lying on the bed scattered with rose petals, he's alone and he waits until morning, no one comes - a good chance for me to describe the room in detail. It was kind of cruel, I'll admit, the image was such a strong one I couldn't resist. (*1,878*)
  • Chapter 3 - A man saying he doesn't do these things often. One sentence. (*1,896*)
  • Chapter 4 - Drunken business man after spending an evening at the pub with his suitcase, books into the hotel and finds a seemingly homeless girl sleeping in the bathtub. She's not very talkative but it doesn't stop them striking up a connection. They get drunk off the mini-bar and have sexy times, she of course robs him and he awakes alone, the contents of his wallet missing. (*4,889*)
  • Chapter 5 - Man and mistress. The first night they met he recalls she claimed she'd make him love her. He's heading off to work in a jolly good mood because she seems to be the one who is attached and he is doesn't care for her. (*5,656*)
  • Chapter 6 - Ramona, my favourite character will get my favourite name, at the minute. She's a chamber maid, she's going to be one of my only recurring characters, currently this is just an introduction. I'm avoiding describing her, she's just griping about the room, it's particularly messy today and she's reasoning it could be worse. It's just an insight into her job without explicitly saying who she is, or what she does, plus it allows me the opportunity to plumb the well of my own experiences cleaning stranger's hotel rooms... Oh so many abandoned diamanté thongs... Introduced fellow chambermaid Julia for my own amusement. (*7,397*)
  • Chapter 7 - Gloria has come to the hotel to escape her husband, she is on the phone to him trying to explain why she left. (*7,586*)
The title is working one, it's shite. I'm literally uninspired, I've started this novel and I already despise it. What do people do in hotel rooms aside from have sex and watch TV? It might evolve into a murder mystery... That would be fun... Plus I do love killing characters off for no reason... Ideas on a postcard please.

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