Friday, 2 November 2012


What I have learnt in the past few days:
  • Doesn't matter how much vodka you neck, you still can't dance as well as you think you can.
  • Going out on Halloween without a costume makes you feel strangely liberated and kind of sexy. Might have been the vodka and excessive dancing though...
  • Ramen is crap. I've never been a massive fan of it, but since trying to sell the latest incarnation of Ramen at work it has become apparent I intensely dislike it. Although opening up the menu with a flourish has been fun.
  • Don't ever try and talk to a person who for some reason is sitting in the middle of an arcade on a dark windy night. Your attempt at reaching out to a lonely person will result in an altercation with a security guard and you'll learn what he was doing while sitting alone in public, you'll regret shaking his hand and trying to help a person your better judgement suggested stepping over.
  • Dancing excessively leads to sore thighs next day.
  • Don't ever start writing a novel without any clue of structure. It's all well and good having an idea but panicking at 1am about whether it should be in first or third person causes massive stress. You should have thought about all this before!
  • Don't intend to have a social life when attempting to write 50,000 words in a month. It's just not going to work... Making plans is a bad idea.
  • Doesn't matter how much you you think, how many people you meet, things you see, you'll never be inspired. You're a crap author.
  • Don't ask someone to go for a Big Mac as a proposition to hang out, they'll avoid cementing plans until the cows come home.
  • Frizzy hair doth not suit you.
  • Don't tell anyone you're uncomfortable about getting missed phonecalls from a colleague you don't wish to talk to outside of a work environment. It'll die down eventually just don't worry about it, or tell people.
  • Don't think you will succeed at NaNoWriMo, give up now, fool!
  • Poppies, great way to show support, painful when the pin impales your chest and slashes your hand. Learn to shove it in your scarf, only you could hurt yourself so badly with a pin... Always quote war poets to veterans. I get a poppy every year and become extremely sentimental, gave the man at the stall all my 50ps, he was very grateful, felt a kindred spirit, quoted Siegfried Sassoon, he looked bewildered, still felt good.
  • You look damn good with a full fringe. If anyone says otherwise, get your head at the right angle and your fringe blocks your vision of them! Ah to be young and look like a hippie...
  • Never doubt yourself
  • Write less about people facing impending disappointment, write happier words, write more. (*1,871*)

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